these words, in ANY order?
Just for the sake of having fun.
** Can you write a sweet little BEDTIME STORY ABOUT A MOTHER GOOSE CHARACTER that includes ......?
A long time ago - long before you and I were even born - there was a little Old Lady who lived in a shoe. This little Old Lady was a little cranky, but she had BIG cause ... she had SOOOO many children, she didn't know what to do!! Nobody even knew who the father of these children was, although it was whispered that he was QUITE possibly the Old Man who lived on the other side of the world.
The little Old Lady was SO bitterly poor, so she had to work day in and day out in the fields, as well as tend to the harvest outside her home. Everyday the little Old Lady walked about 20 miles to town, as well, in order to sell what she had harvested. All this was to feed herself, as WELL as her little children. After a few years, the little Old Lady's body had become SOOOOO worn down and weary that she could hardly walk. One day the little Old Lady came in from the fields, and swooned across a cot ... where she remained ALL ... THAT ... NIGHT!! She couldn't walk, she couldn't cook, she couldn't even go to market the next morning!! At this point the little Old Lady's eldest son - who was ALso her favorite - approached her:
"Mother," he felt her head. "You're ill"!!
"Yes," she answered, her voice BAREly above a whisper. With that, she tried to push herself up.
"No, Mother," insisted Jack ... for THAT was his name, Jack. "I will take over for you. I'LL cook, I'LL clean ... AND I'll go to market for you"!!
So, Jack took over the chores for his younger brothers and sisters from then on. For the next few weeks, Jack cooked. For the next few weeks, Jack cleaned ... and, for the NEXT few weeks, Jack went to market. He tended to his mother, as well; but after a while, it was CLEAR that the little Old Lady was not getting better fast!! In fact ... she was getting WORSE!! All the rest of the children stopped dancing. They stopped playing, and they stopped merrymaking. Their faces grew long ... and longer ... AND longer ... Eventually, they started taking over some of the chores and duties around the shoe-house.
One day Jill - Jack's twin sister - hurried up to Jack while he was in the fields:
"Jack, Jack ... our mother's near death!! You MUST go, Jack"!!
"To the NORTH SIDE of NOWHERE, to the FARAWAY LAND of ILLUSIA ... where the flowers grow strong and tall, AND where life never ends".
"But, WHY?! To WHAT END"?!
"It's come to me in a dream ... There a great spring flows between two willowy trees, in the midst of a garden. At the edge of the garden, there sits three flasks ... the first one is golden, the second one is silver, and the third one is copper. Do not even LOOK at the first two, but grab the copper one!! Do NOT delay, do NOT look back ... but go STRAIGHT to that spring and fill it up!! Return straightway, and bring the flask to our mother ... this is from the Water Of Life".
"I will return straightway"!! Jack threw down the scythe he was holding, and raced to the barn to grab his faithful horse. He saddled up, and started out. Jill called after him.
"Jack, be nimble ... Jack be quick ... Jack, come back to us safe, licketty-split"!!
So Jack rode hard and swift, for days and days ... through rain, through sunshine, through wind and through heat; he never stopped. By the third day, he was bone-tired and exhausted!! When he came upon a deep forest, he fell off his horse, and had drifted into a DEEP sleep before he'd even hit the ground!! That night he slept hard, but he didn't sleep peacefully. He dreamt that the little Old Lady was calling out, miserably, to him. He awoke the next morning with a start; the sun was shining brightly on his face.
Within a few minutes he was on his way again. By that afternoon, Jack had reached the edge of the forests. And, there he saw a great garden looming up before him. He walked a few paces, and THERE he saw the three flasks. The golden flask called out to him; however, he passed it up. The silver flask SCREAMED out to him ... he passed that up also, until he came to the copper flask. It just sat there. He reached out and scooped it up.
As he walked forward inTO the garden, the aroma of lilacs assaulted him. A few steps later, he heard a songbird; the SWEETest sound he'd ever heard. He paused, and almost turned around to listen. However, Jill's words rang in his mind: Do NOT delay, do NOT look back ... but go STRAIGHT to the spring and fill it up!! He straightened up and continued forward. About an hour later, in the midst of the garden, (right in the HEART of the garden), he heard a faint, familiar voice ... that grew stronger and stronger. He raced forward, quicker. At the other edge of the garden, he SPOTTED it!! Two tall, willowy trees, with a beautiful spring flowing between them!! Right before he reached the trees, the voice assaulted him:
"Jack ... Jack, my boy"!!
"Mother"?! He almost turned around. However, his faithful horse sprinted forward, determined not to stop!! At the spring, Jack filled up the flask; then he jumped back on his faithful horse, and they were off again!! The voice kept following him, more and MORE urgently, until they'd almost reached the other end. Almost into the forests, the voice changed!! Jack heard a loud, THUMP THUMP!!! He turned around on his faithful horse ... just in time to see an OLD HAG plummeting after them!!!
In GREAT fear, he turned back around, almost dropping the flask, spilling half of the water!!
They raced through the woods, never stopping ... it took about a day and a half to reach home again!! The children ran up, happily, to greet their brother; Jack went imMEDIately to their mother. Her face was hollow, cowslip yellow, and dripped great beads of perspiration ... and she was moaning and groaning in pain. Jack pulled the flask from out of his pocket and pressed it to his mother's lips. With the first sip, her eyes opened!! Jill used part of the water to prepare an herbal tea; with the first sip of the herbal tea, the little Old Lady smiled; with the SECond sip, she sat up!! And, with the final draw, she stood on her own!! With the rest of the magical water, Jill prepared an herbal tea for all of them!! And with the FINAL DROPS of water, Jack sprinkled them over their mother's feet and, PRESTO!! Her legs grew YOUNG and STRONG once again ... and she danced around the shoe-house, singing ... and singing ... and singing!!
That VERy night, the copper flask filled with LITTLE GOLDEN PEARLS ... and that ALways replenished itself!!!
And they all lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!
PRESTO! I the SONGBIRD will be as FARAWAY as a WHISPER, with the mere-ENERGY of this LILAC-bush.
A little-bit WILLOWY, wouldn't you say, songbird, WHISPER-energy requires a THUMP-THUMP bust not a lilac-bush. The WEARY-eagle, told me just yesterday; I the owl, will now whisper off to my HERBAL-TEA, if it pleases you, so. If not, good day anywhoooo!
What will become of our hero's Songbird and Owl; tune in next story-time when:
1) Owl whispers first for Energy-soup.
2) Songbird, drinks Tea, and can't quit singin' the whoooo'ss
same song and bird-dance channel
same song and bird-dance time.
-excelsiorrrr Whoooo???-
now a word from our sponsors.
Reply:X 1 PRESTO
I'd been trudging through the green forest for a while, and so I was [3] weary, just completely without [6] energy. From somewhere nearby, I could hear the trill of a [10] songbird, and a floral scent, reminiscent of a [8] lilac in bloom, perfumed the air. It was a warm summer day.
I put down my bindle, thinking I'd just rest a moment... but, no sooner had I dropped my head onto the bindle, [1] presto! I was far, [2] faraway, in dreamland.
"Wake up, Emu," a voice came to me softly, in a [4] whisper. I opened my eyes. Oh my goodness! It was Mother Goose herself, with a snow-white gander on a short leash. She was slender, almost [5] willowy, despite her age.
I wasn't in the forest any more... I was in a place surrounded by the folk of nursery rhymes! [7] Thump thump, went the pendulum of the grandfather clock, with a mouse running up inside the case. Off in the distance, I could see Bo Peep looking for lost lambs, and old King Cole was holding court. The crescent moon was up, and... yes, there was a tiny far off cow jumping over it!
As Jack and Jill came rolling past, Jack pushed his bucket into my hands. It contained [9] herbal tea.
My left foot was itching, so I pulled off my shoe... revealing a miniscule old woman and a score or so of tiny children!
A little dog was pointing and laughing at me, while a cat played fiddle for King Cole... but I knew things were getting strange when I saw a dish running away with a spoon!
From somewhere nearby, a sparrow was saying "I, with my little bow and arrow."
An egg fell onto my head... and I awoke, back in the forest again, but with this strange rhyme running through my mind:
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty two inches tall!
He fell off the wall, and cracked his shell.
Poor little egg, I wish him well.
Reply:Not too long ago in a not so FARAWAY land, there lived a WILLOWY, dark-haired Pretty Princess. She loved to sit in the LILAC garden of her palace (which was really just a 20-room home with a turret) each morning as she sipped her HERBAL TEA. This special ginseng and lemon tea, which came highly recommended by her yoga instructor and tai chi master, gave her the ENERGY she needed to perform her duties as the Pretty Princess each day (those duties being unknown to most people in the household and of which there never was any evidence to behold).
One particulary lovely morning, as the sun shone down warming her, the tiny SONGBIRD who had left for the winter returned (though the Pretty Princess knew it was a brief return as the weather had its spell of a few typical warm days this time of year which would only be followed by extreme cold once again). The little bird would entertain her in her peaceful garden with a melodious tune, the likes of which had never be heard elsewhere. As the sweet Pretty Princess, who was really just a spoiled rich kid whose dad called her "my Pretty Princess," sat there enjoying the peace and the song, she suddenly heard, "THUMP THUMP." It rather annoyed her. Then it came again -- "THUMP THUMP." She was really annoyed this time. "THUMP THUMP" and finally she looked up and saw her current Prince approaching with a wide grin on his face. Irked and WEARY from his noisy, lumbering approach, she kissed him on the forehead and WHISPERED "Frog" in his ear. PRESTO! As he hopped away, she smiled and once again went back to her tea, the peacefulness, and the song.
Moral of the Story: Don't walk in without calling first or ringing the doorbell (because even a Frog Prince doesn't want to be changed into a princely frog by the Pretty Princess).
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