Monday, August 3, 2009

These are questions needed to know from the Jurassic Park novel written by Michael Crichton?

1. Why does henry Wu want to replace all of the dinosaurs on the island?

2. What does version 4.4 propose for the island's dinosaurs?

3. Richard owencoinded the term,"dinosauria." What does this term mean?

4. What living reptiles secrete hemotoxin poison from their mouth?

5. Robert Muldoon threatened to quite his job at Jurassic Park unless__________ were purchased

6. Why did the tyrannosaur delay in eating the goat?

7. What does Ellie call the tiny blisters on the stegosaur's tongue?

8. What are gizzard stones?

9. What kinds of animals have gizzard stones?

10. What are gizzard stones used for?

11. Ellie suspects that the stegosaurs are being poisoned by West Indian lilac. Whatis the scientific name of this plant?

12.What are the signs of West Indian lilac poisoning?

13. Ian Malcolm says the world tody is different from the world when the stegosaurs were alive. He suggests that the environmental differences account for the stegosaurs' poor health.

These are questions needed to know from the Jurassic Park novel written by Michael Crichton?
1. Because he said he could make them better, because they were getting out of control, and they were to fast.

2. the idea was to make them more controllable

3. it means 'terrible lizard'

4. Gila monsters, and rattlesnakes

5. guns, specifacally missile launchers

6. he became cautious, as predators do, because they're afraid another predator will come and steal their 'prize'

7. Micro-vesicles

9. some aquatic animals such as crocodiles

8 %26amp; 10. gizzard stones help animals that don't have good teeth to chew there food, digest it.

11. Melia azedarach

12. stupor, blistering of the mocous membranes, and pupillary dilatation


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