Monday, August 3, 2009

Has anyone ever gotten a rash from trimming lots of Caraganas,lilacs,and elder shrubs?

I have a rash that started on my arm, I just figured I cut them, then noticed later small red bumps all over my chest and stomach as well. They don't itch, but are bumpy and just barely getting better. I have had this for a week. Will go to the doctor soon if it doesn't get any better.

This ever happen to anyone?


Has anyone ever gotten a rash from trimming lots of Caraganas,lilacs,and elder shrubs?
You could have an allergy to these sorts of flowers/plants. For instance, my ex-sister-in-law was deathly allergic to lilacs and could not even be around the scent of them, even in perfumes, etc. As for myself, I loved the scent of flowers, perfumes, etc.(and even gasoline, believe it or not. LOL) until about 1985 when I went out to get our mail and got a noseful of pine pollen from the trees in our front yard. I had a migraine (I guess you could class it that) headache that lasted 36 solid hours and NOTHING I took would end it (just had to run its course), and ever since then I cannot be around certain flowers, perfumes, some shampoos, hair spray, certain cleaning products, etc. without plugging up and my eyes watering, and getting a headache.

Another cause could be if you changed the brand of bath soap, deodorant, or laundry detergent you are using. Either way, I would definitely see a doctor. Allergies can be dangerous if not found or recognized in time (I almost died from an allergic reaction to a medication that I had taken just the month before with no problems).
Reply:Am glad to see I was of some help. :) I just had another thought of what may have caused the rash---did you use any kind of bug spray, plant food , etc. on them that you hadn't used before? Report It

Reply:you ae kiddind , right. this is the year of allergies.

skin care product

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