Saturday, July 25, 2009

Colour Matching.?

Can anyone tell me what colur can match with 'lilac white' ?

Lilac white is a colour bring purple.

My wall already paint these lilac white colour but the door and the joint dont know what colour to match..

Please do me a favour, or suggest any website can help.

Colour Matching.?
Any neutral colors will match the lilac white, in fact maybe a white will look very crisp and clean next to the lilac white and this is what you can paint the door and joint or trim around the door.

A light green will also go with the lilac white. Look at what you see in nature - light purple flowers with green leaves and stems.

Good luck, this color sounds very pretty!
Reply:I like twokayaks suggestions .

Go to a paint store and get some swatches to compare with your color. Take a lot,in many colors - be creative!

at home skin care

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