Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dream or Memory?

I have this memory of when I was about 5 or 6. Me and about three of my friends were riding big wheels down the side walk when a lilac tree fell and trapped us underneath. I vivdly remember my friends dad saying, "Don't worry. We're going to get you out of there." I never really questioned the memory. Matter of fact I kinda forgot about it until the last time I went home.

During my last trip home I saw the group of lilacs that the fallen tree belonged to and logic kicked in. The trees can hardly be called trees (most people say lilac bushes) and aren't big enouh to trap 4 kids on big wheels if they fell. I have a hard time believing they could trap one kid on a big wheel. When I asked my parents about this incident they had no idea what I was talking about.

Is it possible that it was a dream I had when I was so young that I somehow mistaken it for reality?

Dream or Memory?
I think maybe.....

I have a memory - which I still say is a memory -of being at the library as a little kid (like story hour or something) and then being in an upstairs apartment across the street- looking out the window wondering where my Mom was and kind of being scared. I don't remember anyone picking me up- just looking out the window.

No one else remember this and my older brother would have been with me at the library anyway.

It kind of bothers me sometimes- to the extent I have thought of being hypnotised to see if I can remember anything else. (see I hust got a chill up my spine.....)
Reply:Yes! It is totally possible. It's happened to me a few times. One dream (I had as a kid) I was convinced was real until years later when logic told me that it was so ridiculous it couldn't possibly have been.
Reply:OMG! That has happened to me too. I remember something, and when I ask my parents, they say that they don't remember. But the fact is that young people remember more than older people so probably it was reality.
Reply:im gonna take a guess and say that it was a dream, im not sure but the lilac bush just could've just been a concidence.
Reply:I had lilac trees growing in my back yard

when we lived on LI, NY. and they got so big my husband had to chop them down.


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