Sunday, April 19, 2009

Has anyone had success growing Lilacs in Central NC?

Hi I live in Guilford county NC. I love lilacs and had some beauties when I lived in CT. I%26#039;ve heard they do not like humidity and it can be quite humid here in the summer. I know they need a distinct chill in the winter. Our winters rarely go below 20. Just wondering if anyone has grown them well in my area.

Has anyone had success growing Lilacs in Central NC?
They grow good in the Greensboro %26amp; High Point area but I%26#039;ve heard they don%26#039;t even compare in beauty to our northern neighbors.

The first one%26#039;s I planted had too much shade, so nothing happened, finally, I moved two of them, one that get%26#039;s the most sun is really the best one that flowers. It%26#039;s bushy and looks healthy despite the drought. I did try to keep it some water when I could.

So far, I have cut them back after they flower and they bloom really nice the next year. The bushy one I%26#039;ve kept at about 4 feet or so tall and about that wide. The other one that I moved is taller, it got to about 8 feet tall, but I cut that one too as it was too far over the neighbor%26#039;s fence. I bought mine at Lowes. If I remember right, it was just the common variety lilac.

I just would not be happy to have a garden without lilacs, a snowball bush and fringe trees.

So I recommend you go for it! Buy them, plant them and enjoy! PS. I%26#039;m growing them in pine needles and old oak leaf as mulch and it seems to be no problem at all.
Reply:I live in Central NC Cabarrus County

but I dont know anything about flowers

plant some and see what happens
Reply:I brought an old fashioned French lilac with me when I moved south(Charlotte NC) from up near Pittsburgh.... it%26#039;s taken a long time for it to get used to this area, and it%26#039;s never gotten half the blooms it would have in another climate.... mildew is tough on it... I throw out my ice bucket on it in winter ..... still doesn%26#039;t help... I get just enuff flowers to fill my nose and make me want more....

this year I%26#039;ll have Miss Kim lilacs blooming... they look to be happier here.... smaller shrub more flowers?... whatever works!!.... just gotta have that spring aroma!!!...takes me %26#039;home%26#039;.....................

here%26#039;s Miss Kim...


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