Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why do some lilacs not have a good smell?

Also I was told there are different kinds of lilacs that will bloom in different weeks %26amp; you could have lilacs for about 12 week what kind are there?

Why do some lilacs not have a good smell?
Oh wow! The lilac genus is Syringa. Within the genus are several species and the species have several to many varieites. Worse yet are the hybrids who%26#039;s ancestry will make you scratch your head.

OK, first let%26#039;s start with the common lilac, Syringa vulgaris. It has about 50 culitvars....cultivated varieties. S. vulgaris is the sweet lilac you are probably thinking about.

A hybrid of S. vulgaris and another Chinse lilac.

Persian lilac is another hybrid but of unknown paretage. The leaves are a bit more slender than S. vulgaris.

Syringa reticulata is often trained as a small tree. It flowers later...into June.

One of the earlier lilac is S. x hyacinthiflora....flowering in April. I don%26#039;t know if the cultivars are even carried in commerical industry.

I%26#039;ve never seen, nor smelled, the Canadian hybrid lilacs but am assuming they are super hardy. They are a hybrid between two species I haven%26#039;t even mentioned. Their descriptions never mention scent, so maybe it is mimimal.

With centralization of nusery stock the varieties have dropped. You would have to search out specialty nurseries, to find the more unusual lilacs.

I%26#039;d start out concentrating on the Persian lilacs and the Syringa vulgaris cultivars. They seem to be the ones still in the market. Since many are crosses with x hycinthifolia you should get a good spread. Don%26#039;t forget to include tree lilac, reticulata, to carry you to June.

Also some other plants may call themselves %26quot;summer lilac.%26quot; I%26#039;m thinking Buddleias. These are not lilac but do have a panicle flower form slightly resembling lilac. Buddleias have a scent, but not lilac scent. Buddleia is also known as butterfly bush.

P.S. lilacs may lose their fragrance as the flower matures, also will not be as fragrant in hot weather. Soil conditions can also affect fragrance, lack of nutrients such as potassium might be to blame.

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