Sunday, April 19, 2009

How will the frost and, now, snow, affect my lilacs?

I%26#039;m in the Chicago area. 2 weeks ago, the weather was spring-time warm. My cherry bush blossomed. My lilac bushes leafed out and the flower buds started to show (but not flower, yet).

Then, we had a week of frost. Culminating in about a 1/4 inch of snow last night.

Once the weather warms up again, will my lilacs still bloom?

How will the frost and, now, snow, affect my lilacs?
This early in the season your lilac will most likely bud out again. The existing leaves will wither and eventually drop.

The cherry tree, however, won%26#039;t do well this year since it lost its blossoms. But it won%26#039;t cause permanent damage.

This cold snap is a lot worse for folks in the South where plants were already blossoming. Northern plants are more accustomed to weird spring weather.
Reply:I live in Oregon. I work at a Garden Center. We had some warm weather, everything leafed out including the lilacs, well all this tender new growth got hit by a frost and blackened. It will recover, thats my experiance.
Reply:They might take a little longer now, but they should still bloom. Lilacs are pretty hardy plants. People have them all over here in ND, and they bloom like crazy. Whether we have snow or frost or flood or hail or all of the above, they still bloom.
Reply:I%26#039;m in Michigan, similar problem.

There may be some damage to this years early spring foliage, but I didn%26#039;t see any damage to my flower buds (2 different shrubs at my house). I wouldn%26#039;t stress over it. As stated by several answerer%26#039;s Lilac (Syringa) is very tough. There will be no permanent damage.

OH! Don%26#039;t prune in the fall! the flower buds are set in the summer months for the following year. Prune right after the flowers have faded.

I hope that this helps
Reply:Lilacs are so hardy that they probably will. If not, next year.
Reply:lilacs are very hearty bushes,you should still get flowers. they also need to be kept under control as they tend to grow huge! Next fall give them a good trim if they are easy to reach, if they are already to tall to reach without a small step stool chop the big trunks off right at the ground. Be careful not to injure the smaller growth around it as these will be your flowers for next year! enjoy!
Reply:I had lilacs for years and did nothing to them. They grew every year and with age they got better! I think you have nothing to worry about. I live Upstate NY


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