Monday, April 20, 2009

Why do lilacs only stay for a week or two??

They are my favorite!!! I love them!!

Why don%26#039;t they stay in bloom longer?????

Why do lilacs only stay for a week or two??
I also enjoy lilacs, heady fragance. Could be ph level, lack of or too much water, not enough sun.

These plants require winter chill, and thrive in zone 7 and on to the lower zones, with some doing well even after a -40 F. reading!

Lilacs bloom for only a very short period of time. Their heady fragrance is the hallmark of mid- to late-spring, and there is no finer activity than gathering armloads of these lovely ladies for vases and containers around the home.

Check out the link for more,
Reply:You%26#039;re welcome,Thank you. Report It

Reply:Unfortunately, that%26#039;s the life cycle for lilac blossoms. Some blossoms only last for a day.

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