Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Anyone know the best stain remover to take blood out of my lilac shirt?

I also need to know which garbage bag will hold approximately 200lbs. Thanks!

Anyone know the best stain remover to take blood out of my lilac shirt?
Gas and a lighter-takes care of both problems

that way you are out no money
Reply:Wow, I really started writing a serious answer to this, then it hit me. So my question for you is, who or what are you going to get your vengeance on?
Reply:I suggest a match, then you won%26#039;t need the garbage bag either.
Reply:Use more blood to rinse out the blood already in your shirt.

And Hefty would probably be best.
Reply:Cold water is the best stain remover. I don%26#039;t know if you can remove blood stains that have been %26quot;set in%26quot; with heat.
Reply:You know what they say: %26quot;A friend is someone who will help you move. A true friend is someone who will help you move a body.%26quot;
Reply:I%26#039;m a nurse, the best thing in the world is the Oxy Powder. Add a scoop to the laundry and it will take out ANYTHING. Even old stains.
Reply:There is a Mexican soap product called ( ZOTE) its a super big pink bar of soap its like 99 cents at any grochery store It works.
Reply:Just throw the shirt away with the body.
Reply:Bleach will work.

Also, there aren%26#039;t any garbage bags that hold 200 lbs. You%26#039;re going to need to cut up your garbage into smaller pieces and both those in bags.
Reply:The best way to remove blood from any fabric, regardless of colour, is with cold water; blood is a protein and hot water will cook it into the garment. Run the stain under a cold tap, rubbing gently until the stain disappears. If you are left with a residual %26quot;shadow%26quot; apply soap (more effective than detergent) and rub gently until it%26#039;s gone. This definitely works while the blood is still wet; sometimes not as effective on a stale, dry bloodstain.

Sorry, don%26#039;t know about garbage (or body?) bags.
Reply:Gasoline will easily take care fo both of these problems. For that matter you%26#039;re Godzilla, just eat them or use your fire breath.
Reply:DO NOT EXPOSE IT TO HEAT if u already have its ruined. that includes hot water and the dryer.
Reply:a 50-gal drum of acid will take the blood out of both
Reply:Soak in salt water overnight.
Reply:Hydrogen peroxide will remove all blood from anything

the lawn and garden ones are very thick and strong
Reply:Burn the shirt and flush the ashes. Contractor bags don%26#039;t poke through or tear. Been having a bit of fun, have we? hehe
Reply:Hydrogen peroxide and cold water work well for me. You also might try to get the 200lbs down to a smaller weight by perhaps breaking up whatever it is you need to throw away. If it%26#039;s really big, break it up into bits and put it through a chipper.
Reply:i ALWAYS use a smock and a good furnace. the smock looks especially good with a coquettish beret. pearls are optional, but you want to look good while doing god%26#039;s work.
Reply:club soda

glad force flex
Reply:Club soda, and HEFTY HEFTY bags
Reply:Oddly enough, the saliva of the owner of the blood...


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