Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Environmental way to get rid of ants around a lilac tree?

if they are traveling up and down the tree you probally have aphids. The aphids suck the juices from the plant and secrete honeydew which the ants love. They use the aphids like milk cows and even protect them from paracitic wasps which lay their eggs in them. If you get rid of the ants food source they will abandon your lilac. you can do this by placing a sticky band around the trunk. There are some comercially available called Tanglefoot and Stickem. Make sure there is no other way for them to reach the honeydew producers by pruning any branches touching the ground and changing the sticky band frequently.

Environmental way to get rid of ants around a lilac tree?
what kind of ants do you have
Reply:Without knowing which ants..........try mixing peanutbutter and jelly with boric acid, placing it in a small jar with a few holes so the ants can get in (and out), make sure that lid is on tight, tape it or glue it so kids can get to it.........and place it near the ants but in the shade so the whole mess doesn%26#039;t melt.

Any topical application will only kill off worker ants, the queen must be killed to eliminate the colony and she%26#039;s way, down low.
Reply:We plant 2/3 Hot pepper plants around areas where ants show up (haboreno)
Reply:boiling water
Reply:There are many baits that are effective,call a pro for a free inspection and I.D.


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