Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Guys, are you brave enough to wear pink or lilac floral shirts?

I would wear a pink shirt, but maybe not the lilac flower shirt. That would remind me of my grandmother. :-X

Guys, are you brave enough to wear pink or lilac floral shirts?
If they lived in Hawaii
Reply:we will try it in hawai.........
Reply:Really depends on what the design is. If it%26#039;s just a plain colord pink button up shirt that%26#039;s ok. If it has flowers and stuff on it....I would have to be dared.
Reply:I mindlessly drove all over AZ with a gay pride sticker on the back of the car not knowing what it meant. So I am sure that i can handle a little pink or flowery shirt.
Reply:I don%26#039;t think bravery has anything to do with it , I personally do not like them ergo I don%26#039;t wear them. Plus they clash with my eyes :))
Reply:I use to take care of my appearance in public when there are girls around but not anymore,, cause I really hate chix now.
Reply:um sweety it is in the fashion these days.
Reply:As long as you be with me and act like we are together.
Reply:only if i dont get a noise complant about the shirts being to loud(bright in color)
Reply:My boyfriend is not brave.. he hates those colors... and wonders how come some guys wear themm %26quot;is it because their girlfriends makes them do that?..%26quot;. - he says.
Reply:Absolutely yes, because masculinity is actually based on real self identity and not the shirt or pants he wares. For example, a real Man can show his true passion when He makes love with a %26quot;LADY/WOMAN%26quot;, and the LADY/WOMAN herself can definitely judge it -- meaning his true indentity.
Reply:not brave at all, if it looks good feels good wear it
Reply:I don%26#039;t think it%26#039;s an issue of courage. I don%26#039;t care what others may think of me, but I would not don a pink shirt. Not because it%26#039;s girly or embarrassing, but the men that like to wear those sort of things are just the type of people I don%26#039;t want to affiliate myself with. You know, the Italian %26#039;gangster%26#039; teens we have these days. Following the examples of the Gotti%26#039;s.

Terrible trend.

skin disease

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