Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What can I do to get our neighbor's lilac bushes to completely STOP sprouting up into our side of the fence?

You can cut the branches on your side but there%26#039;s not much more you can do. Have you spoken to your neighbor? You might get in trouble but you could put down a herbicide on your side. It will kill the bushes completely.

What can I do to get our neighbor%26#039;s lilac bushes to completely STOP sprouting up into our side of the fence?
weed killer.
Reply:All the trouble in the world and you%26#039;re concerned with lilacs? What%26#039;s the real problem, seriously ?
Reply:Please talk to your neighbor about the problem.

I had a vine growing on my fence and my neighbor didn%26#039;t like it on his side but never said anything. He just zapped his part with weed killer and it killed the vine on my side, too :( Work womething out with the owners of the Lilacs.
Reply:Sacrifice a goat at the dark of the moon, spin three times widdershins and repeat: %26quot;Lilacs stop it!%26quot;
Reply:Yes, roundup will kick their butts, although it may kill them all, but who cares! your neighbor may never know it was you!
Reply:The best thing would be to talk to you neighbors first. They may be unaware of the problem and very willing to help. I%26#039;m not sure as how the sprouts are getting into your yard. If they are coming through the fence, you have the right to cut any and all shoots up to the fence line. And then put up a board of some kind, even cardboard covering the entire area. Or if it is chain link, use the privacy slats available at Home Deopt and such.After 1 month all the shoots should have been trained to go elsewhere (up or out the other side). You can remove the covering if you%26#039;d like. But if they are coming up from the ground under the fence. Buy some of the black weed cloth. Place one layer down, cover it with a thick layer of newspaper, another layer of black cloth and cover with mulch or heavy rocks to keep it in place. This will not allow the necessary light and air the shoots will need to come up. You should only have to do this every spring or even less often. Good Luck.


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