Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm trying to put together a cute color scheme on my bed. What color comforter and pillows can go with lilac?

The best way to decorate is to get a rug or painting with the color you want in it. Then you can choose one of the other colors in the piece to go with your colors in the room. So if you get a rug that%26#039;s lilac, blue, and brown, you can use those shades of blue or brown elsewhere in the room. I do like a chocolate brown with those cool pastels, but it really depends on what you want for the overall look of your room. Good luck!

I%26#039;m trying to put together a cute color scheme on my bed. What color comforter and pillows can go with lilac?
My comforter is plaid with light purple, light green, and yellow--very pastel-y. I love it, too! Those colors look awesome together.
Reply:I like mint green
Reply:Yellow always works great with purple.

But I think I would try a rich chocolate brown with lilac. That would be a very sophisticated color palette.
Reply:It depends on the way you want the room to feel. If you want a soothing bedroom keep the colors on the cool side like blues and greens. If you want to wake it up add some punches of yellow and white. Have fun with it!
Reply:My bedroom walls are lilac, my fabrics are in a floral pattern, very girlie,,white background, multishades of mauves %26amp; purples, a pinch of pink, green leaves,,,,,%26amp; a spot of yellow....fresh as well as elegant.... Yellows %26amp; whites , would also be complementary
Reply:Black, white, blue, pink, really depends on your personal taste.
Reply:A few of my friends used to have their bedrooms lilac with a pale yellow. I think that is a great combination : )
Reply:peach and white
Reply:A soft yellow or any pastel like colors will work just fine.
Reply:anything goes.....

whatever YOU like
Reply:Anything, as long as it is the same tone.
Reply:Green and either pepto pink or baby blue, depending on your tastes.
Reply:I would most definately put a dusty pink or peach with that. Hope you find a good match!
Reply:you know, light tan-ish brown and cream would look pretty, if you wanted to go for a flower type theme.

You could also do light green and cream.
Reply:I just redid my bedroom in lilac and pink. Looks very feminine and serene


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