Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Must a bride wear white on her wedding day what happened to cream,pink,lilac etc?

You don%26#039;t have to wear white. Until Queen Victoria was married in a confection of white lace and silk, it was traditional for the bride to wear either the best dress she already owned (Often the dress she wore at her Debutante ball) or to choose a gown that would thereafter be her %26quot;Best Dress%26quot; least until fashions changed.

And this business about white signifying virginity is just plain IS traditional that white should only be worn by a young lady marrying for the first time, but the colour of the dress makes no statement about the body wearing the dress....more experienced brides, remarrying after being divorced or widowed, are often given funny looks if they wear white, so most choose not to defy that convention.

Must a bride wear white on her wedding day what happened to cream,pink,lilac etc?
It is a tradition that a bride wear white on her wedding day because the color white means pure. If she is old fashioned and didn%26#039;t have sex with anyone but her future husband, then white represents her virginity. Why are you breaking tradition?
Reply:I wore gold. I think the white is dependant on how traditonal you are. But, it%26#039;s not a must.
Reply:Well really you can wear whatever your heart contents,white is really a symbol of the virgin bride but as you know rarely is that the case any longer(haha).
Reply:no, my cousin wore a light faded green for her wedding, you can wear whatever you want!
Reply:Traditionally, only a virgin wears white on her wedding day (to symbolize purity), although this idea is fading as people start wearing whatever they want. So, wear what you want. But understand there may be some talk if you aren%26#039;t in white...
Reply:White is no longer a tradition. Ivories, silver, even reds are more popular. The only thing with white is that there are a lot of families out there that associate white with virginity. And it would be considered a disgrace by %26quot;Auntie Ann%26quot; for %26quot;Little Jen%26quot; not to be in white. If this isn%26#039;t something in your family I say go for the non traditionalist, but if your family is like mine (if I didn%26#039;t where white the whole church would have been talking) stick with white. I myself love to see Brides in the color that suits them best, there are girls out there that can%26#039;t wear white and you want to look beautiful on your DAY! Trust your heart.
Reply:it depends on how concerned you are by %26quot;tradition%26quot; and the ensuing gossip generated by deviating from the norm.

In Italy, brides traditionally wear black.
Reply:Nope, I wore a mauve evening gown. It is YOUR DAY!!! Do what you want, and if you get digs from people about it don%26#039;t worry, we all do. It seems like when you are planning a wedding family and friends automatically think %26quot;Time to plan your wedding for you%26quot; Don%26#039;t let that happen. And if you stick to your guns you will have the wedding of your dreams.


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