Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We are moving to new home and I want to take slips of my lilac bush (which is in bloom) will it kill the bush?

Take as many as you want. Lilacs are pretty much indestructible.

We are moving to new home and I want to take slips of my lilac bush (which is in bloom) will it kill the bush?
Lilacs are a very strong bush. You can take slips at any time, although the best is just after they have bloomed. You may want to also remember for the future pruning that the best time to do that is after they have bloomed. I like to put cheese cloth covers tied over the best blooms after they start drying up so as to get the best seeds for those at summers end. By the way after rooting your slips and when you get ready to plant them remember to put about a cup of uncooked oatmeal in the hole before placing the roots in and covering with soil. It will give the starter a good jump on the planting. Also prun back approx 70 % of it at summers end any time you want to spur a lot of new growth in the next spring. Remember that they need almost 100 % sun light if you want them to bloom! One neat combination is to plant them in an area of walnut trees. As these trees do not get there leaves until after the lilacs have bloomed. It makes people that know lilacs think that you know something they don%26#039;t as everyone knows %26quot; Lilacs will not bloom in the shade of trees!%26quot; LOL Have fun with them...They ave very forgiving!!!!
Reply:Take all you need the bush will be all good.


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